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   প্রধানমন্ত্রী আবাস যোজনা-গ্রামীণ (PMAY-G)        Swachh Bharat Mission - Grameen (SBM-G)        CHCMI (Community Health Care Management Initiative)    

Swachh Bharat Mission - Grameen (SBM-G)

Publish Date - 3/6/2024

Swachh Bharat Mission - Grameen (SBM-G)

Paschim Bardhaman Zilla Parishad

District Sanitation Cell                             




The District Sanitation Cell, Paschim Bardhaman Zilla Parishad was formed on 18th September, 2018.

Achievements SBM (G) Phase 1:

  • The SBM (G) Phase 1 was launched from 2nd Oct 2014 and ended in 2019. The Mission of the SBM (G) Phase 1 was to increase the sanitation coverage in rural areas by constructing Individual Households Latrine (IHHL) and also to reduce the Open Defecations.
  • The Paschim Bardhaman District was declared as ODF on 2nd January, 2018.


Achievements SBM (G) Phase 2:

Individual Households Latrine (IHHL):

  • A total no. of 32771 IHHL were constructed in this District under the Category of Left Out Baseline (LOB) and also a 1266 nos. Of IHHL under the Category of No One Left Behind (NOLB) from the year 2019-20 to 2021-22.
  • The District has already completed 475 nos. Of IHHL through DBT mode and also motivating the still left out families for construction of IHHL through DBT mode.

Community Sanitary Complexes (CSC):

  • With an aim to increase safe and hygienic sanitation coverage especially for women and old age persons, 368 nos. of Community Sanitary Complexes have already been constructed at 203 nos. of SBM (G) villages.
  • Community Sanitary Complexes created a way for sanitation practice for those households where land is not available for construction of IHHL. It also increases the allover sanitation coverage in rural community areas like Marketplaces, Bus Stands etc.



  • An initiative were taken for construction of Solid Waste Management units in the Gram Panchayat of this District and the Central Processing Units (Community Segregation Shed and Community Compost Pit) have already been constructed in 51 Gram Panchayats out of total 62 nos. of GPs in this District from the FY 2020-21 to FY 2023-24. Apart from this 7 GPs are already tagged with adjacent CPU units and new CPUs will also be constructed in the rest 4 GPs by the end of FY 2023-24, which will ensure full coverage of SWM units at all the 62 GPs.
  • As an essential part of functioning the SWM units almost 24 e-Karts were procured in the year 2022-23 and also 88 nos. of e-karts were procured in the year 2023-24 for collection of Bio-Degradable and non Bio-Degradable waste from door to door and also from the markets.
  • Various IEC programmes are regularly conducted for orientation of field level SWM workers, Self-Help-Groups etc. for safe disposal of Solid Waste with an aim of proper functionalization of the already constructed SWM units in this District.


Plastic Waste Management (PWM):

  •  Under the flagship of SBM (G) Phase –ii programme, The Paschim Bardhaman Zilla Parishad has already constructed 04 nos. of Block Level Plastic Waste Management Units at Andal, Salanpur, Raniganj and Durgapur-Faridpur Block. Apart from this another 4 PWM units at Kanksa, Pandaveswar, Barabani and Jamuria will also be completed very soon.
  • All the 8 Block level PWMU will be utilized for recycling of Plastic Waste which will be collected from all the SWM units in the Block.

 Grey Water Management (GWM):

  • With respect to control of vector brone disease in rural areas , onther important components of SBMG Phase-II  is the Grey Water Management.
  • This District has already prepared DPR and taken up some community level Grey Water Management Projects like Community leachpits , Filtre Chember , Constructed Wetlands and DEWATS etc.

IEC & BCC activities

  • District Sanitation Cell, Paschim Bardhaman Zilla Parishad also arrange various IEC & BCC activities for SHGs, PRIs, VBDC workers etc. time to time with an aim to create awareness among all the community in a large scale for declaring all the SBM(G) villages as a ODF PLus Model village following the message “reuse, reduce and Recycle”